How to Install a Mini Split
Looking to learn how to install a mini split yourself? Questioning how to install a mini split ac unit?
While you can look at a video on how to install a mini split, and get some good insights, there are a few simple steps you need to know beforehand.
Check out our essential mini split AC unit installation tips below.
How to Install a Mini Split
Choosing the Right Equipment
Start with choosing the right mini split system. Explore the BTUs on the unit and compare them to the size of the space you're trying to heat or cool. The higher the number, the greater the cooling capacity.
Powering Your System
Most mini splits will require a new circuit installation to power the unit. This could require more labor or less, depending on the difficulty of running cable from the unit's main panel. The power runs from the disconnect to the condenser.
This shouldn't be too difficult if you have some electrical knowledge and skills. However, a local electrical inspector can help you properly connect your mini split. They can also give you good insights into local code requirements.
Step 1. Install a Mounting Bracket
Start by mounting the evaporator inside the room on an exterior wall. Don't mount your unit in direct sunlight, doorways, or areas where dust collects. Mark stud locations and start mounting your brackets.
Step 2. Drill a Pilot Hole
The line set hole must slope slightly downward to the outside so condensate can drain outside. You'll also want to drill the pilot hole from the inside to the outside. Trim back obstructions outside to make sure the hole is drilled correctly.
Step 3. Make a Full-Sized Hole
Cut a hole from the inside and go back outside to remove anything from the wall cavity that might be getting in the way of the installation. Finish the hole by drilling from the outside in.
Step 4. Run the Lines.
Grab an extra pair of hands and feed the line set through the hole. Gently bend the line set downward to reach the condenser. Add the drain extension and wrap the joint with electrical tape.
Step 5. Install the Evaporator
Wrap the foam sleeve around the section of the line set within the hole and replace any insulation that may have fallen out. Hang the evaporator on the mounting bracket.
Step 6. Install the Condenser
Set the condenser on a pad on the ground or mount it on the bracket. Route the line set so it is tight against the building. We recommend setting it on the east or north side of the building to max out energy efficiency.
Step 7. Connect Refrigerant Lines
Next, you'll want to inspect the refrigerant lines for kinks and electrical connections. Go inside and set the temperature using the remote controller.
Step 8. Cover the Line Set
Next, you'll insulate and seal the hole to cover the line set and start using the unit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I install a mini split myself?
Yes, but we recommend hiring an HVAC tech. Check out this YouTube video to learn more about how to install a mini split.
Is it difficult to install a mini split?
Yes, but you need some basic knowledge of electrical systems to do so.
What do you put under a mini split?
You should use a composite or concrete pad to set the outside of the mini split on.
Does a mini split need its own breaker?
Yes, mini split need their own dedicated circuit breaker.
Where not to install mini-split?
Don't install your mini split in any area where there is obstructed airflow or direct sunlight.
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